• Charities that change lives are the exception, not the rule. That’s why we only work with the best.
    We work with the most stringent charity evaluators in the world to identify the best giving opportunities. By utilizing their in-depth research we are able to recommend charities that we can be confident are making a huge difference in the world.
    Check out our evaluators here.

    We review our charity partnerships regularly to ensure that our we have access to the most relevant and impactful giving opportunities.

  • Every person resonates with a different cause area or charity, and there is no right answer - so long as the charity is truly impactful, like all of the charities on this website!

  • 100%* of your donation goes to the charities. HIA is fully funded through grant-makers who believe in the HIA’s mission. This ensures that 100%* of your donation can do good.

    *Depending on how you donate, donation platforms may take a processing fee out of your donation before it reaches us.

  • Money travels easily, and our donations can do hundreds of times the amount of good when directed to the poorest places in the world. This is why we believe that we should Act Locally, Give Globally.

    But that doesn't mean we can't volunteer at local soup kitchen too!

  • On our website you can donate to the Maximum Good Portfolio. Your donation will be split evenly between all recommended charities - no decision-making needed and huge amounts of good done to countless humans, animals, and the environment.

  • A percentage pledge is a great way to add purpose and meaning to your day-to-day life without feeling squeezed if you have a bad year - it moves up and down with your earnings. Our pledgers all commit to 2% or more, but you can start at 1% to dip your toes in the water if that feels better. Otherwise, simply donate what feels right and comfortable for you each year. Useful donation calculator here.

  • Different donation schedules work best for different athletes, and we are here to help you find that balance. We recommend setting up an automatic monthly donation so that you can do good without putting too much energy or attention on it. It simply ticks along making an impact in the background! You can also give on a one-off basis at the end of the year.